Saturday, July 20, 2019

July 2019, Kentucky, HOME, Day 14

Somewhere north of Cave City, Kentucky I resist a stop when a billboard asks me if I’ve ever petted a kangaroo. Why, no. NO, I HAVEN'T AND THE DAY AIN'T OVER!! But, I’ve got my crosshairs set on Marietta and NO stops except for some Jesus chicken outside of Nashville. Since Mr. Bullington had to work from the car, I did the driving. It gave me some time to reflect on the past two weeks. I think this has been my favorite trip. Many folks had warned me that the mid-west is “boring” and that there is “nothing to do”. But, coming from a life where there are constant assaults on your senses and everything is visually “busy”,  I enjoyed the monotony of the seemingly endless farmland. Everything was so lush and green. I loved watching the landscape change. Some changes were subtle changes in color, others were extreme changes from prairie to jagged mountains. What a wonderful country we call home. I encourage you to see her by car when you can. You miss a lot of the “fly over states” when you just fly over. And, what a nice balance to the cities we visited, St. Louis, Kansas City, Omaha, Chicago. Each one having their own special vibe and local pride. We loved meeting the selfless and kind people of the mid-west. They are farmers and artists, shop owners, mail carriers and professionals, all just trying to make a life and carve out a niche for themselves. 

We are more alike, my friends, than we are unalike- Maya Angelou

After arriving home and taking the annual “Praise God we made it and didn’t kill each other” picture.
40 states under our belts and we keep getting longer!
2013-See the Nation by Graduation, year 1

That would be 73+ hours in the car together.

We capped off the vacation with a trip to La Parilla,  as has become our tradition. Now, that I think of it, we celebrate lots of things at La Parilla, Birthdays, Tuesdays, Fridays.....If you aren’t from Marietta you may not know about the best Mexican restaurant ever. I’m sorry. 
We walked in and spotted the Surbers at the bar. Sidney gets back tomorrow from Vermont and they were enjoying one last date. Chris Baglivio  came over and welcomed us home. She was there celebrating Dawn’s Birthday with Christine Sloane. Happy 50th, neighbor! Oh look, there is Aunt Lori and Uncle Kent! I know Lily is having a blast in Arkansas with her grandparents!! And, right there in the next booth sits the Isons! May Elizabeth has had a long week at cheer camp! After, I place my order for a GIGANTIC margarita, I spot Jennifer Johnson and Hanna…I needed to tell them that Nana asked about them and I got caught up on Hanna and her horses! Good luck at Nationals, Hanna.
There's no place like home. There's no place like home. There's no place like home. 
They came back!!
Thanks, Neighbor Becky!

See you in February when we check off Colorado! Only 10 states to go!!

1 comment:

  1. I am going to miss our daily connection through Mileophile but I treasure the time we had together and your visit on this trip. Love to you until next time! Nana
