Sunday, June 22, 2014

June 21, 2014 (Massachusetts)

Mile 960- Boston Duck Tour
Daddy the pack mule carrying one heavy laden backpack, one large cup of coffee, one I-phone with Boston Map at the ready.

The Bullingtons are kicking it all touristy and taking one of those Duck tours on the WWII DUKW. Our zany tour guide was named PJ and she wore PJs. (I guess that makes my name Ill-Fitting from Target, but you can call me Sarah) I appreciated her ability to insert in an inappropriate joke real sneaky-like, so the kids didn’t notice. We hit the high spots of Boston and turned a truck into a boat and then a boat into a truck and that is a modern marvel, I don’t care who you are.  


The children all got a turn at the helm.  PJ was real sweet and when she asked Mae what she wanted to be when she grew up she responded, “An artist, a cheerleader, and a teacher".  I hate to break it to you sweet’ums, but everybody doesn’t just MAKE the cheerleading squad. I mean, sometimes 14 girls try out and 12 make it and even if your toe-touch can clear more than 3 inches off the ground, you might not make the cut, OKAY? It takes a lot to be a Gilmer County Bobcat Cheerleader and....Where was I...Oh, right.... You'll make a great artist, Mae! When she asked Thomas what he wanted to be when he grew up, he said, “Everything”. The sky is the limit!

Daddy pack mule has increased his load by 3 annoying duck noise makers, one 1/2 empty bottle of water and mommy's purse.
The kids were "STARVING" because it had been an entire 16 minutes since they'd last had a snack.
John and I  had lobster rolls and a Sam Adams at Quincy market. The children opted for hotdogs. I hope that their palates improve, but for now, I am choosing my culinary battles. We watched the street performers for a while and Mae’s whistling came in quite handy. I could visualize two kids and listen for the tweets of the other and bam, attendance taken.
Mile 970-
Daddy Pack Mule has increased his cargo by 3 more maps, a pamphlet on Paul Revere, another $2 bottle of water and one lazy, ill mannered 4-year-old.
We made our way to the USS Constitution (Old Ironsides) by way of Old State House (Declaration of Independence read from the balcony) and Paul Revere's Crib. There we saw a lady play the glass harmonica (bowl organ).

This was my first exposure to such an instrument. She DID take request and she DID NOT know Rump Shaker. I'm all, "You know the one, all I wanna do is zooma, zoom, zoom and a boom boom?"...."Wreckx N Effect?".....crickets..... She does know Ode to Joy, so there's that.

Mile 974- Bless Charlotte’s heart, she was snake-bit today (figuratively speaking). First, she and her sister were playing tug-o-war with her I-touch (ie. Snatching and grabbing) it fell and the screen shattered. So now, it is quite reasonable to assume that Charlotte has issued some sort of death warrant for Mae’s life. That added a new layer of sisterly love to the day.  And, as we were trying to appease them with an ice cream and coax them up the final 6th walked mile to Bunker Hill, Charlotte’s snow cone fell out of its vessel and onto the heavily traveled sidewalk. Cue whole-body frown and excessive lamenting.  Luckily, we were blessed with the sweetest ice-cream man, Jimmy. Who replaced the snow cone with a root beer float and invited us to attend the 4:00 mass at the beautiful church where he and his wife were married. He also showed us the oldest fire station! The people here are wicked nice. That’s Bostonian for awesome.

Steer Clear!

This joker had 294 steps to get to the top. The view from here suites me just fine.

Done and Dunner

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