Wednesday, June 7, 2017

June, 2017 -Texas, Day 6

Day 6- Wake up sleepy heads! Time to go to library! Not to worry my sweets, this isn’t just any library! It’s another presidential library! You know the kind of library that doesn’t have a single book you can check out and you must pay to enter?!?! Rise and Shine! I think there is a slight chance that I am getting on everyone’s nerves. I’ll just play this song at full volume so they don’t have to listen to me.

Mile 1380- George W. Bush Presidential Library and Museum. Another visit to a stunning presidential library. Parts of it were painful to see. There was obviously a large portion devoted to 9-11 and it is hard to relive such a distressing time in our nation’s history.
But, my favorite part of the presidential libraries are the exhibits of gifts given to the president. Faberge eggs from Russia, sparkling jewelry from the middle east, and lions......
Dear President of Tanzania, Can we be gift friends? 

Did you know that George Dubya learned to paint after he was president? And, has since been painting portraits of the veterans that he meets? I had no idea!  There was a temporary exhibit of his portraiture. 

Another Oval Office shot. This time with Charlotte at the helm.

Mile 1381- Our goal for our tour of the SMU campus was two-fold. We wanted the least of the Bullingtons to burn off some steam and we wanted them out of our air. We are half way through 24/7 of togetherness and fuses are short.  Nestled in the middle of the glorious campus is a stretch of green space flanked by road on each side. We dropped the kids at one end. Challenged them to race each other to the end (the length of a football field) and we drove along beside them in the car. Parents for the win.
Run, Thomas. Run!
We love the Methodists!

Mile 1387- Trinity Groves- We were excited to meet up with our step-sister and family for lunch. Hesper and her husband are cool as ice and we always love our time with them. It just doesn’t happen enough because well, Dallas is far. Our nephew Brahm is going into 8th grade, is a cracker jack gymnast, and speaks Mandarin. We are pretty proud of him!  Mae is fluent in Whinese. Same-same. Brahm was quite patient with Sweet T. Who took a shine to him and indulged him with details of the western movie he is developing.  
Texas Fam!
Little cousins, giant checkers. Charlotte got schooled by Brahm! 

Mile 1389-The Book Depository-  The sixth-floor museum details every moment of the the day that JFK was assassinated. The audio tour was a little lengthy and we realized at the end that there was a “family friendly” audio tour.  That would’ve been good information to have on the front end. Charlotte and Mae loved the tour, but it was hard to keep Thomas interested in the minute details of bullet trajectory and grassy knolls. But, I would recommend it if you are into assassination vacations. Which we are.
At first glance, this looks like an ordinary picture, but when you examine it more closely. JFK's face is actually made of 50,000 miniature portraits of Jackie. You look at it through a magnifying glass. This was also the only photo I got from this visit. They are super strict about photos in the museum.  

Mile 1400- trying to get out of Dallas! We were like hamsters in a wheel. The roads in Dallas are THE WORST. Google maps was possessed and kept instructing us to turn onto roads that weren’t there while we drove in circles. Recalculating route….i’m gonna recalculate your route you little….

Mile 1417-Cowboy Stadium- Dayum. That sucker is big.

Mile 1430-Garvett's House- Home sweet home! A few years ago, our old neighbors, Emmalyn and Andrew, moved to Fort Worth (and I’m still mad about it). We’ve kept up with them and we try to get together when they are in town. The memory is distant and perhaps a little foggy. But, I THINK they said something like, “If you are ever in the area, you’ll have to come for a visit”. Or, it’s possible that I invited myself and designated their house my laundry destination. Tomayto-Tomahto. A few months ago, I started clarifying our travel dates with Emmalyn and she realized that she was going to be in London during our stop. So not only was Andrew going to be trying to keep the ship afloat with two kids and his wife gone, but now he will have 5 extra Bullingtons. I swear I gave them every opportunity to back out, but they assured me that our visit was welcome.  Thank goodness for that! I cannot even begin to thank them for the hospitality! Their new house is beautiful and it gave us some space to spread out and talk to other people. The kids played in the pool, the big boys drank beer and chatted, and I did 6 loads of stanky road laundry.  It was perfect!

Repacking 5 people for another week on the road. Whoo-hoo! Clean clothes for all! 
Jane and William share their pool!

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