Friday, July 22, 2016

July 2016, Wyoming, Montana, Day 7

Day 7- Today is a car day. 

See ya, Yellowstone!
Mile 2791-We stopped in Butte, Montana because Mr. Bullington had a conference call and he needed phone service. Being able to use your phone at will isn't really a thing out here. He had a signal, so the kids and I set out to explore Butte! 

Acting her age
What a fascinating collection of motor oil vessels you have
"Butte"iful little town!
We stumbled on this little “Museum of Transportation”. It showcased some vintage road signs and cars, but the best part was when we started to leave I noticed that they were selling old license plates! I have wanted to start a collection for every state we’ve visited. I looked on ebay on time and they were around $14 a piece. This place was basically giving them away! We got 28!
It is 4 hours until Lake McDonald Lodge. We are listening to a book on tape about Lewis and Clark.  Nothing gets the kids to sleep faster than educational books on tape!
Dirty Clothes Pillow! This is livin'!
Mile 3046- And the Beauty Contest Winner is…..Lake McDonald Lodge!

I am over the moon! We booked a sweet little cottage right on the lake,  a few steps away from the main lodge that is stacked with 3 stories of  solid taxidermy! A glorious collection of dust covered pelts from the past.
Mr. Bullington worked in the kitchen here as a college kid and it was so neat to see him exploring his old haunts. He even took a peek back into the kitchen where he was the King O' the steak and potato during the summer of '97.

I feel like I am living in a photograph. This place is so beautiful. The kids played in the COLD water of beautiful Lake McDonald while I sat on the beach and pondered what I was going to do to rectify my current laundry situation.  And, just like a normal day back home,  Laundry is bringing me down. 
On these trips I only pack enough clothes for one week, then I go to the laundry center in whatever hotel we’re staying, wash, and then we’re good for the second week.  Since this is my first foray into National Park Lodging, there has been a rather steep learning curve. Today's lesson came in the form of, “There are no laundry centers anywhere in Glacier National Park”. We have worn everything I packed and the children have gotten filthy on a daily basis. Like horseback riding through the dusty, sulfer hot springs dirty. Mud-digging in the creek dirty. Not your everyday dirty. 
Now, 5 people can accumulate a lot of dirty clothes and we’ve been carting around what has become 3 large stank laundry bags. I convinced the children that they make nice pillows for the car. They totally bought it. 
I mustered my laundry gumption and came up with a plan.  The first step was going to be separating the good from the bad and the ugly.
Living the dream 
So, I put on my sorting hat and examined each garment for VD (visible dirt, get your mind out of the gutter!), sniff test, then assigned it to a pile. If the garment in question passed either the VD test OR the sniff test, said garment made it to the ironing board. I set up the ironing board like a little assembly line. First, a washcloth to scrape off the crusty nasty, then a spritz of dry shampoo (desperate times friends, the gift shop did not sell Febreeze), then a touch with the iron, Voila! Clean clothes! Now, just turn those under-drawers inside out and we are good for another week! Just don't stand too close!

1 comment:

  1. what other states do you need? I have a collection of plates.
