Wednesday, July 20, 2016

July, 2016- Wyoming, Montana-Day 6

Mr. Bullington and I started the day by completely emptying the entire contents of the rental car into the parking lot to see if we could pack it a little more efficiently.  After Zoopaloosa last night the car was in shambles.
We discovered 15 lost Combos (Cheddar), 5 colored pencils, a handful of legos, a wet towel, both cowboy and indian figurines, three lost socks, and a wayward flipflop. The humans are still packed like sardines, but at least we know where stuff is. 

Mile 2544- We left to travel north towards Tower Falls. When you are walking downhill for a mile to the base of a gorgeous water fall, the landscape is so thrilling! The mile back up the mountain will have you seeing the face of Jesus and smelling like a goat.


 I am about hiked out. But, Mr. Bullington is a national park junkie and if there is a hike. We’re doing it. Every turnout. Every site. All. Day. Long. I guess I know how he feels when we happen upon The World’s Largest Stack of Filing Cabinets and I make him go. We saw it all, even the petrified tree! Whoo-hoo!

Mile 2581- We arrived at our next stop Mammoth Hot Springs. We are staying in a little 1930’s cabin with two bedrooms and a DOOR between us and the children!  A real live door! We even have a cute little front porch!
Luxury accommodations included this door. Fully loaded with knob and hinges. Perfect for separating the savages from the civilized.  
There was a hike close by of the terraces. We had an hour to kill before our cowboy cookout. And of course, Mr. Bullington was game!
Greetings from the surface of the moon!
Land of the Lost

Mile 2601-Y’all are not going to believe this! We booked this little excursion a year ago where you ride horses  to a chuck wagon cowboy cookout. The girls and I were on horseback and the boys rode in a horse pulled wagon. Thomakazi was most chagrined that he didn’t get to ride because he missed the age cutoff. But, that is okay, because we ran into Marietta friends!! The Wills family! John Wills was Thomas’ t-ball coach that one time he tried t-ball. And they live near us in Marietta! The husbands are friends and I enjoyed getting to know Kristen better! After one of the Wills family may or may not have broken the record for number of steaks eaten,  we saddled up our horses for a ride through the back country back to the corral.

That time the boy-child convinced a team of older boys to build a bridge for him so that he could cross the creek. Evil Genus.  
May-retta in the house!

Don't mind if I do.
Mile 2623- We have more room tonight and the girls straight-up convinced Thomakazi that he should sleep on the floor so they could each have their own double bed. To persuade him, they built him his own fort complete with sleeping bag, camp chair, and welcome mat. He added the sign.  Sucker.

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