Tuesday, July 9, 2013

July 8th, Wisconsin

July 8th
Mile 1080-Madison

(Metro-Madison) Old Wisconsin Village, NOT the dead pals of Sam Sanfillipino- Well, I got final word this morning that my vacation dreams have been dashed. For months, I have been looking forward to visiting “The Dead Pals of Sam Sanfilippino” in Madison, Wisconsin. The largest collection of stuffed albino squirrels IN THE WORLD! Sure, it is in the basement of a funeral home. Sure, it isn’t open to the public. But, I just knew I could talk my way down into that cavern of taxidermic delight. But alas, my elevated ego and confidence in my sweet, southern persuasive skills did not come to fruit.  I had my entire speech planned.  “Hello, Mr. Funeral Director. While I understand the delicate nature of your business, my sweet babies have traveled all the way from Marietta, Georgia, to view your artfully displayed stuffed albino squirrels. We’ve heard about the whimsical dioramas in which they are displayed and we would be as pleased as punch to take a gander. Especially the one of them driving a Barbie car.  albino squirrels love barbie porsches 

We have set aside an entire day in your lovely city, so that we can work around your funeral schedule.  If you experience an excess of Madisonians pushing up daisies on that particular day, my family and I will be happy to don our best funeral attire so as not to detract from your somber event and then just sneak downstairs when no one is looking”. 

I started out with an email, including the above plea.  I received a prompt response from one, Tina something-or-other. She will henceforth be referred to as Meana Tina. Meana Tina, rather curtly, told me that the collection was no longer housed at the funeral home.  So I emailed MT back and asked her where it was. She replied that his children had possession of the collection.  I emailed her back. “Well, where do they live and do you think they would mind we came by real quick-like for a little lookie-loo?”  Clearly, I wasn’t getting very far and I didn’t like the direction this was heading and certainly I could get a little farther over the phone. So I called her. “Hey, Tina! It’s Sarah! From Marietta, Ga! We’ve been chit-chatting over the email and I know you want me to see those precious little baby squirrels posed in hilarious vignettes just as badly as I do.” "Mrs. Bullington, Mr. Sanfillipino recently passed and the collection has been divided among his children. THEY ARE STILL IN TRANSITION!” Said, MT. “But, if you could give me a number I would….”Click.
Well,  I guess we will just have to go to the boot barn and stare at the deer heads on the walls. They aren’t even driving Barbie cars. boring.
 Click here if you'd like to see what might've been. RIP (part deux) DPOSS. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=exV1nUHzPT

So instead, husband spied signs for Ye Olde Wisconsin History Village a few miles off the interstate. We spent all morning at an interactive historic village, weaving, collecting eggs and swatting mosquitoes.  But, the children were probably less scarred by it than the alternative and hopefully they learned something. And, we got to wear hilarious ill-fitting wooden shoes. Just like the ancestors. And, by hilarious, I mean not at all hilarious but binding and unmalleable.


grinding something or other

Newborn calf

Mile 1139.7 -Ella’s Deli!-  Holy sensory overload Batman.  There really isn’t anyway to qualify Ella’s Deli. Picture 1000 different animatronic whirly-gigs, flying things, dancing things, twirling things, and blinky things going off simultaneously. Now multiply that by 10, hop on a carousel, and drop some acid.

Check it out!


Now, that's a root beer float!

Mile 1223- After several hours in the car Thomas says, “Mom, can you drop me off at my house? I’m done visiting with you.”

Mile 1334- Eau Claire- Home of Nana!!! Joy erupted when my babies got a glimpse of sweet Nana. Sweet Nana Curtis who welcomed each one home from the hospital.  She cared for the girls until they went to school and moved before she was done with Thomas. I am blaming her for the fact that he acts like he has been raised by wolves.

Thank you, Lord, for Nana's cooking!

Nana and her boy having a chat and a snack

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