Monday, July 8, 2013

July 7th, Wisconsin

July 7th
Mile 1027- Milwaukee
Milwaukee totally erased any negative notions that I previously held. I think I was expecting blue collar Laverne and Shirley but, boy was I wrong! It was actually pretty freaking awesome. We chartered a sailboat with a captain and sailed on Lake Michigan.  The children were definitely more used to our typical mode of lake transportation, the pontoon boat.  They couldn’t quite grasp the “SIT ON YOUR CAN AND DON’T MOVE OR YOU MIGHT BE THROWN OVERBOARD!”  Our captain was a school teacher who sails as his summer gig.  We learned that it would take 8-10 hours to cross Lake Michigan from Wisconsin to Michigan!  The weather was beautiful and we had a ball.  


We then walked along the lake front to Summerfest. It is the largest music festival IN THE WORLD so it certainly fit into our criteria for this trip. And Loverboy was playing so we couldn't NOT go.  We, and 10,000 other sweaty folks ate funnel cakes and jammed out.  We actually got to hear a pretty cool string band, felt like home.  After that, we found a really cool historic neighborhood (Brady Street) and ate dinner al fresco at a little Mexican restaurant.  




  1. Loving the blog! How gorgeous is that museum?!?! Was it moving when y'all were there?

  2. Yes, we were actually out on the sailboat, so we got to see it move from the water. Amazing building!
