Wednesday, April 6, 2016

April 3, 2016 (Washington, DC)

Mile  671 -We are church folks. We get churchy on Sunday and we get churchy on Wednesday. We don't always get churchy on vacation, but we figured a good time to visit the National Cathedral would be on a Sunday during their normal worship service.

It was a lovely service in the Episcopalian tradition. The choir was small but fierce. And, the breath-taking cathedral was full of people from all walks of life and religious traditions. It was really nice. Our hook, line, and sinker for Thomas was that one of the gargoyles on the cathedral is Darth Vader.
May the Faith be with you

Mile 676-We scarfed down some granola bars en route to my second religious experience of the day. The Ford Theatre. Our midday itinerary will be steeped in all things Lincoln. Just the way I like it! We toured the museum and saw all the things. The Deringer, the blood stained pillow, and of course, the balcony.

Then we went to the house across the street where he was taken to  meet his maker. I realize that not everyone might find his life and death as interesting as I do, so let me give the people what they want....I present to you:

The World's Largest stack of books written about Lincoln! Alright, there is probably only one dog in this fight. And, there aren't actual books but tin book likenesses. And the books repeat. I spotted my personal favorite, Manhunt-The 12-day Chase for Lincoln's Killer, at least 5 times. But, that joker is 3 stories tall. Tallest book-like heap that I've ever seen!

Mile 678- The Museum of Natural History was next on the list! The children had periods of civility which I always try to capture for posterity.

I enjoyed the animals (stuffed and posed!) My favorite was a real life depiction of a lion taking down a water buffalo. Live action-taxidermy! Mae took one look and said, "yep, that's the food chain for ya."

We meandered down to the human evolution section. Thomas got real interested in Joe Neanderthal and friends. Most of the bronze statues were kept au natural and Thomas took it upon himself to examine all of their undercarriages to announce if we were dealing with boy or girl cave dwellers. Everyone should have a Thomas to keep them humble about their parenting skills. John reassured me that it was normal and there was a  reason the kids of our generation liked "reading" the National Geographic.... Nekkid Neanderthal!

                             Besties and their attempt at duck face

We capped off the day with a last minute schedule change. We were going to take in a free concert at the Kennedy Center, but instead decided on an un-free I-Max movie about the National Parks. It was a timing thing, The Kennedy Center was obviously the clear choice! But, no time like the present to whet our appetites for this summer's travels! Charlotte has now claimed Teddy Roosevelt as her presidential darling. National Parks, people. AKA The thing that the federal government got really right.
We hoofed it over to the White House to see it at night and to fit in our daily face-plant by Mae. This time she fell face first into a presidential flowerbed and a nice secret service officer helped brush her off her face and dignity. I requested a presidential band aid and/or a personal visit from the First Lady, but all he had was a peppermint stowed away in his bullet-proof vest. I guess Michelle was busy but Yay! Hard Candy!
Late night dinner/drinks at Capitol City Brewery and then one more stop......
Lincoln went to church here and his hitching post is still out front! Nighty-Night!

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