Wednesday, April 6, 2016

April 2, 2016 (Virginia, District of Columbia)

Mile 635.5- Mt. Vernon- home to our first president, George Washington. The weather was dreary and we had to stand in a rainy line with multitudes of middle schoolers. Heavenly rewards await you, middle school chaperones. Jesus told me.
Whist standing in line, we learned that another name for an outdoor potty is a Necessary.... Well,  I reckon it is.

Thomas sharply dressed in period dress-up clothing. I just wish I could hear future teenage Thomas thanking me for this. 

We like porch-sittin' and we cannot lie!
Now, nary a one of you gives a rip that my kids toured another historic home. You just want to know about the teeth. And, if you didn't know you wanted to know about the teeth. Trust me. You want to know about the teeth.
These are his actual dentures. I had to take a picture of the denture postcard that I bought because taking a picture of the actual dentures might land you in Guantanamo. Yes, I paid real paper money for a denture postcard.
Poor Georgie had to endure decades of orthodontic impairments. By the time he was elected president, he had but one of his own teeth/tooth left in his head! Then that one went rogue and it had to be pulled too. Leaving him no choice but to falsify some things. First of all, don't believe the rumor mill, they aren't made of wood.  Some dentist in New York fashioned those suckers out of other people's teeth,  horse teeth, and elephant teeth! 
Whatchu talking 'bout, Willis? 
In retrospect, it is a little sad that such a brilliant man couldn't smile for pictures! "No, it's no biggie. I just created a nation, i'll just stand over here with my cup of apple sauce and purse my lips for the camera".  I cannot imagine a current head of state stepping out of Air Force One with Jethro mouth. Three cheers for progress!
Mt. Vernon was worth a trip if you are in the D.C. area. You can learn about Washington's leadership during the birth of our nation,  and you can see THE TEETH!

Mile 656- Washington, DC! We logged over 13 miles on foot today and my dogs are barking! By the time we made it into the city the weather had improved and we took to the national Mall with the rest of humanity. But, the humanity is what makes Washington so special. You couldn't round up 20 people of the the same ethnicity/race/religion in the bathroom line. But, you don't even notice the differences. The languages are different, the clothes are sometimes different, and our faces might be different. But, we were all trying to corral our young'uns, take pictures of our families,  and absorb magnitude of the monuments and memorials that tell our nation's story. Washington is pretty warm-fuzzy if you can keep the politicians out of it! 

I don't always take selfies, but when I do, they are with my main man!

"Don't Climb On or Pick the Cherry Blossoms" We were only in partial violation and I swear we didn't see the sign until it was too late. 
Sorry Dr. King, but my favorite part of this picture are the smiles.

funny. not funny. 
FDR is Mae's fav, she had been looking forward to his monument and his pooch!

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