Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Alaska 2020-Day 4

The sun rose  The sun was right where we left her when we awoke for day 4. Mae whipped up some muffins for breakfast and we slowly gathered ourselves for today’s adventure!
First stop was an anticlimactic trip to the Iditarod headquarters and museum. During precedented  times, we would’ve had the chance to snuggle some little racing pups. Instead, we got to sit and watch a glitchy DVD about the history of the famous dog race as the sole employee stood around the corner and sprayed disinfectant into the room where we sat. After disinfected, we still peppered that little gal with a bunch of questions which she dutifully answered masked and at a distance. Then, we pulled the RV into the shade of the empty museum parking lot and had leftovers for lunch.
Andy was a good ol' sled dog

 Next stop, Williams Reindeer Farm! The Williams Family makes their living raising reindeer and charging folks like us to get up close and personal with them. Did you know that Reindeer don’t have teeth on the top, so they can’t bite you? What they can do is lip you and drool on you. But, they are so cute up close so we didn’t mind the drool! It was so fun! Our normally adventurous Thomas stuck to petting the baby reindeer because an adult Reindeer in your face can be a bit much for a little guy. He then opted to feed the Moose that was behind a fence.
My boyfriend is the cutest! 
Mae Made a friend

Moose Kiss!

Ew, Reindeer.

After loving on all the animals, we set out for Healy, Alaska. Mr. Bullington almost had a coronary when we got a glimpse of ALL OF DENALI!!! The top is usually obstructed by clouds, but we got to see her in all her glory on this clear day! What a treat! 
Thar she blows! 

We landed in Healy at what is quite possibly the worst RV park of all time. It was situated behind a gas station called the Fireweed which I quickly read as Freeweed and I’m not 100% certain that they misspelled it. The whole reason I picked it was because it was walking distance to the 49th State Brewery which is known for its awesome food (and I was tired of cooking in the RV) and its replica of the “Into the Wild” bus.  The actual bus has been recently plucked from the wilderness because of all of tourist trying to see it and dying in the process. We’ll stick with the fake version.

I guess we're not THAT far from Thailand
Don't live here. 
Mannequin Life Goals

After dinner,  we shimmied our down a slightly treacherous hill behind the brewery back to the RV Park.  I liken it to parking your RV smack in the middle of Burning Man but without any cool costumes. Head thumping house beats rattled our windows and weed wafted through the walls. Those folks were  hootin’ and hollerin’ like it was Cochella and I was just trying to rest up for the Christmas Village……Dern teenagers! Shakes fists! Feels 80. 


  1. If I had know you were stopping in Healy, I would have connected you with our friends who live there. I am sure they would have shared electricity with you and it would have been a better place to spend the night. Suzy Huyler

  2. If you come back that way...Don & Dorothy DeBlauw
