Monday, July 27, 2015

June 26th, 2015 (Indiana, Michigan)

Mile 765-  Elkhart, Indiana RV/MH Hall of Fame! 

I'll bet you didn't even know of such! Yes, there is an entire complex in Elkhart, Indiana that houses quite a collection of both new and old RVs and Motor Homes. We saw the oldest RV dating back to 1913!  It was SO FUN! The kids got to climb around in them and check out the evolution of the RV toilet, which Thomas found captivating.
You going my way?

A Shasta would make a great souvenir!

Aztec motif and bed with a curtain! Fancy!

 The 1974 Stranger Danger Van
I was looking for my pet puppy, can you help me find him? I'll give you a piece of razor blade candy...

Mile 791 Notre Dame- We had to go back to see the Touchdown Jesus because it was too dark last night when we were in South Bend.
Touchdown Humanity!

 Mile 1015- Elberta, Michigan 
We spent a lot of time in the car today. We finally made it to our destination in Elberta. We had booked a fishing charter in the deep water of Lake Michigan (about 15 miles out). It was a nice balance of extreme excitement and mind-numbing boredom. We caught some pretty big Steelhead Trout and got to watch a beautiful sunset. Thomas got friendly with the crew, because that is how he do. The captain later told me that Thomas was talking about getting into trouble (he had just gotten out of timeout when this conversation occurred.) Thomas told him that, "One time I got a spanking because I knew 3 bad words, real good". 

We didn't get off the boat until 10:45 and had to wait for them to clean the fish. It's now 11:55 and we are looking for an open gas station that will hopefully have some tasty dinner items.

Mile 1025 Mae's birthday starts at midnight, so we pull over into a Mobil gas station parking lot and sing happy birthday. She then spots a Taco Bell down the way and declares that since it is her birthday, we will be eating our midnight meal there.  Should I note that is where we also ate lunch. At least it was dark so I couldn't see what I was eating. Two Taco Bell meals in one day. Can you die from that?

We had to drive about 45 minutes to our hotel from the boat, so at 12:30 we pull into the Fairfield Inn. Now would be a good time to admit something about myself. So I think I am pretty good at a few things travel related. I have a pretty sunny attitude most of the time, I can plan fun itineraries, and I am flexible when hardship arises. What I am really terrible at is luggage efficiency. So we spend one night per hotel and we take in the following. Two rollaways expanded, one large duffle bag, one large Lands End bag, two medium vera bradley bags, one large tote for toiletries,  John's computer bag, and my computer bag. That is a total of 9 bags, plus God only knows how many gosh dern stuffed animals. So needless to say, we are a site rolling in to every hotel like a band of gypsies. Why is this important, you ask? Well it really bit me back tonight. Where was I.....we pull into The Fairfield and drag our exhausted selves and our excess luggage into the lobby.  Also, we've added a large plastic bag of 1/2 eaten tacos.  The counter attendant says, Are you Mrs. Hayes? No, I say. Bullington. He looks at the computer, pecks at the keys and goes white. Mrs. Bullington it says that your reservation was canceled and we are completely sold out.  Mae says sadly, But, it's my birthday (cue mournful violin music). He calls his manager, wrings his hands, curses his luck, and I happen to look down at our confirmation email on Mr. Bullington's phone.......Mr. Bullington, our reservation is at the Courtyard. I burst out in deranged laughter, Charlotte burst into tears and we gather our 19 pieces of luggage and head back out to the parking lot to load the car. Again.

1:30am- We arrive at our actual hotel room, perform the nightly ritual of casting off the Keens like they are on fire, chucking them in the closet and slamming the door shut as to not let out the green stank foot vapor and head to the tub for our evening foot washin'. I am going to have a sacrificial shoe bonfire when we get home! Now, I have to go blow up birthday balloons and wrap presents....Nighty-morning!

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