Knoxville has big balls. Technically, this is called the Sun Sphere and it was built in 1982 as part of the world's fair. It's round. It's gold. It makes me want to listen to the BeeGees and watch Saturday Night Fever..
Back to Market Square for brunch (I love this place!). We ate at THE BEST RESTAURANT IN THE WORLD (Blue Coast Bar and Grill). Stay tuned, you'll learn why in a minute.
Mile 2367- Cheap gas stop at Love's. I can't find my purse. That would be because it is back at the best restaurant in Knoxville.
I forget my stuff. It's probably the thing John loves most about me. He likes to show his love by pretending he's exasperated. He's such a card! A quick call to Blue Coast Grill and they agree to use the money in my purse to pay for an overnight trip on a UPS van. They were so nice and helpful. Robert the manager told me he was even going to enclose some coupons just in case I ever come to Knoxville again. Isn't that the sweetest? The food really is good so you should definitely go there if you are in the neighborhood!
Mile 2498- Nothing feels as good as home! I can't wait to tell Kroger Myles how superior our Kroger is compared to Detroit Kroger. I can never un-see that messy mess. Y'all, I saw 2 pounds of turkey and some shredded cheese hanging out with the bagged ice and a parking lot littered with carts. Kroger Myles would've never let that happen.
Things I've learned
-There is a direct relationship between wine intake and hours in the car with 3 children.
-Thomas is incapable of being quiet or still. Unless he is asleep. Which can happen anytime, anywhere.
-When you have friends like Allison Gruehn who drop car activities by your house the day before you leave, you are a lucky girl!
-Satellite radio is good and bad. You can listen to Jam On 24/7 anywhere in the US. But, you can listen to Jam On 24/7 anywhere in the US. Hippie husband do love himself some Jam On.
-10 days is probably the perfect amount of days to be on the road. While days 11 and 12 yielded some fun experiences, the parental nerves were shot and fuses short.
-If your kid acts like lunatics for 3 hours in the car, they will undoubtedly fall asleep 5 minutes before you pull into the driveway.
20 states down only 30 to go! See you next year!