Thursday, July 3, 2014

June 30, 2014 (New York, Georgia)

Mile 3898.1
Home again, Home again, Jiggity-jig.
The clock struck early for the daylight flight back to Atlanta. This team of walkers was dispondant and listless. I had enough wherewithall to assign Mr. Bullington to TTD duty. I am bowing out of parental duties for the next two hours. Girls are easy (ish).  The flight was uneventful and we made it home and straight to Chick-fil-a and then La Parilla for dinner. After I took a 5-hour -nap. My children did a great job of tending to themselves while I crashed. 10 days of togetherness takes a lot out of a girl.  See y'all next year!

Thomas at the helm. This won't end well.

La Parilla fix

 I love my little stump chair. Perfect for apple consumption!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

June 29, 2014 (New York)

Mile 3004
This was our last day in New York and we had to make it count. We decided to take the poor man's tour of the Statue of Liberty which included a pretty long subway ride and a journey on the Staten Island Ferry which is FREE, Y'all! You go right in front of Lady Liberty and get to ride a boat with all of humanity that is also out to get something for nothing.  And, bonus! This adorable homeless couple had snuggled up and fallen asleep right in front of the subway ticket dispenser. Don't mind us, we'll just lean over your spooning selves, you  two crazy love birds.  And, it was the day of the Pride Parade. I have been to the Atlanta Pride Parade (before kids) and I knew that it might be a tad mature for the kiddos so we opted out of the official parade route. Charlotte commented that she'd noticed that everyone loves rainbows in New York! Why yes, they do! We happened upon one gorgeous 7-ft-tall cross-dresser.  Charlotte said, "She was so pretty,  I thought she was a Mannequin". John said, "Well, you're half right" (get it, "Man").   He's witty, that one.

After we took the subway back uptown, we grabbed lunch at The Counter. It was right in Times Square, so I was afraid it was going to be too touristy. But, we are tourists and it was great! The kids loved it!
It wouldn't be a day with the Bullington's without some debacle, so after lunch it was debacle:thirty.  We departed ways with the boy Bullingtons because the girls were going to see Matilda and the boys were going to theYankees/Red Sox game.  We hurried to our hotel to change out of our shorts and I thought it would be very pro-active of me to charge my phone while we primped, and less pro-active to dash out the door without it. Y'all, I have a love/hate relationship with technology. I think it is robbing us of human interaction, but Google Maps is pretty critical in unfamiliar landscape. Not to mention that I have been following Mr. Bullington blindly for 10 days, so I had NO IDEA where I was!!  This Talking Rock, Georgia girl can find her way off a mountain, but not out of Times Square.  I realized I'd left my life-line en route to the theatre, but I was following a map from the hotel concierge and we didn't have time to go back.
Mile 3006
We made it to the Shubert Theatre just in time for Matilda. If you are in New York, and you have children, or if you don't have children, or if you just have a pulse, you need to see Matilda. It was magnificent! And, get an aisle seat on the bottom and you'll get to see the actors come up and down the aisles (Thanks for the tip, Anna Gray!) It was the most visually stunning, creative, fast-paced musical that I have ever seen and I can't wait to see it again. So, as the girls and I are enjoying Matilda, Sweet Mr. Bullington spies my phone and realizes that I can't find my way out of a poke(chiefly Southern & Midland :  bag, sack
a :  wallet
b :  purse)
without Google Maps. So, he decides that he will walk to the theatre with my phone (with the the boy in tow) and rescue my sweet, lost person. Long story short, we walk out of the theatre quick as lightning back to the hotel so that I can get my phone, and pass Mr. Bullington without seeing him.  We hoof it back to the hotel and my phone isn't there.....Awe, snap. I had to use the land line (Just like Little House on the Prairie!)and eventually he made it back to the hotel with the boy and my phone. We were supposed to meet up with our Marietta friends after the show at the Shake Shack, and fortunately, we weren't too tardy.

And, they had secured a place in line, so that was a score.

Mile 3009
I hadn't yet taken the girls "shopping" in New York and I told them that we would do that. It's kind of silly, because most of the stores in New York we have in Atlanta, but they didn't know. You would have thought the H&M of Times Square was Hermes. They indulged in sunglasses and jewelry and bags and I didn't have to pay an arm and a leg. And, we got to do it to the head-thumping house music brought to us by a live DJ with no concern for hearing preservation PLUS a live "runway".  I missed the runway because I was having to drop the hammer on the shopping daughters. Too short, too tight, you can't show your belly, it can't have an ironically-placed kitten on it, it can't say "hottie" on it, Excuse me, salesgirl, does this come in smocked? 'Member when shopping was fun.....

Melissa and Keily hadn't been to Toys R Us yet so we made a second stop there and rode the ferris wheel. We lost Mae and then found her after Melissa risked life and limb sprinting down an up escalator. That is not a sight I will soon forget. Mae was fine and had quickly found a store security guard when she looked up and didn't see us. Then, poor Mae face planted full force on the sidewalk and screamed like she'd been attacked by a shark. As always, prepared friend Melissa applied band-aids from her bike-tool-deprived NYC first aid kit (it is no wonder she's a Girl Scout Troop Leader, y'all), I commented to her that this is the reason I blog. Because, social media would have you believe that everyone has a perfect vacation and perfect children. Our trips are one mishap after another with some love and hate and laughter and tears thrown in for good measure. And frankly, it's pretty good fodder for the written word.
Across town the boys were having a high ole' time at the Yankees/ Red Sox game. That is, once Thomas woke up.

First Baseball game for Thomas the Destroyer

Oh, good. Something for the home that says Yankee. Just what I wanted....

Monday, June 30, 2014

June 28, 2014 (New York, New Jersey)

I haven't mentioned the stump stool that we acquired at the lumberjack show, have I? Well, we are the proud new owners of a solid wood stool cut from a bunny's head (you had to be there). It is a delightful addition to our travel collections, but a challenge to get from here to there. While it does fit into a standard carry-on, it weighs a ton and is all sappy.
Here little stump stool provides adequate carriage for our frosted flakes
Mile 2395
We decided that we would start this particular morning renting bicycles and exploring the beauty of Central Park. This idea is awesome. But, only if everyone can ride a bike.  Charlotte is an excellent bike rider and also very adept at detecting hardship and telling you about it, and then telling you about it again, and then 3 more times.  Mae and Thomas are both dismal bike riders, but happy-go-lucky. I can ride bike when a knife is being held to my person, and Mr. Bullington is Lance Armstrong. Okay, GO!
Central Park Carousel since 1871!
Rock climbing while stranded
We are off to a strong start! Two regular adult bikes with kid quasi-bikes on back, and Charlotte on her own bike. We pedal through the beautiful landscape in sweltering 11:00 am heat for .08 miles. I notice that Mr. B's cargo is listing badly to one side. Oh well, keep peddling for another .5 miles. It was downhill, so not too challenging. Mr. B's cargo is suddenly deposited into the brush, much to her chagrin.  We discover that we've "dropped a pin". That is biker talk for the little ride-a-long thingy no longer functions. It was hot, we were stuck, we heard a voice. "Isn't that the Bullingtons?" I kid you not, at the exact moment of bicycle despair, a sweet southern accent cut through the chaos. "Oh My Goodness, I can't believe it, Hello, Bullingtons!" It was just like we were back in Marietta! My neighbor, Melissa, and her daughter, Kiely, rode up on our cluster.  But, you know what? Melissa is an awesome neighbor and she would be happily getting my mail had she been in Marietta, but she is no good when your bike is in a heap. She was all fresh-faced and beautiful as usual and had totally forgotten her Monkey wrench and Allen wrench and other wrench. But, Kiely was an excellent babysitter while we got our heads together. And, we made plans to meet up tomorrow sans bikes. Because bikes are terrible.
Don't I know you?

Daddy pushing lame-duck bike and one child through the streets of NYC

Hanging out in the floor of the bike shop
Mile 2397
The Bullington Brigade proceeded over a mile pushing their bikes against traffic, back to the bike shop. Not our finest moment. There were beads of sweat, and tears and language of the colorful sort.
The bike people were so sweet and very apologetic. It was no one's fault. Just cruel fate and maybe Karma (I yell at my kids and it's coming back to bite me)
We decided to drown our sorrows in some street food and the Gyros, Empanadas, and sausages did the trick. I'm the king of the world!

We'd purchased the 72 hour hop-on, hop-off touristy-tour so we hopped on hoping Thomas would doze a bit and not be the evil incarnate at dinner. He, of course, was bright-eyed and bushy-tailed the whole time so our plan backfired. Our tour of choice was the uptown/Harlem tour. I liken our tour guide to a Chinese Fran Drescher. She treated us to all of her best, read worst, celebrity imitations and then laughed at herself as we all stared at her blankly. I took out my earphones and enjoyed the beautiful views and nice breeze minus the commentary. She spoke mostly about herself and what New York once was (We just want to know where Sarah Jessica Parker lives, 'kay?) As we proceeded into Harlem, I caught a glimpse of what appeared to be a malfunctioning fire hydrant. When what to our wondering eyes should appear, but a face full of water. These sweet little babies must have known we were hot up on top of that open bus and used an old PVC pipe to squirt water up onto the top deck. It actually was quite refreshing, but not everyone agreed.  The painful, soggy tour continued with such informative quotes as, "This historic building is made of bricks".
We hopped off the bus and went to top of Rockefeller Center to see the view.
Thomas brushing up on his pick-pocketing. When in Rome....
Mile 3001
We rushed back to the room to wipe all the visible grime from the kids and hop on the ferry to Hoboken. The particular ferry that we were on was one of the Ferries that assisted with the plane that landed on the Hudson a few years ago. Pretty cool! 
My cousins, Win and Jill, recently welcomed their first, precious baby boy (and probably last, after Jill had to endure my crew at dinner). Jill and Win both work for CBS and have settled in Hoboken, NJ with baby Henry. It has the best views of the city without a question and such a family-friendly neighborhood. Unless your family is whack, and my kids were off the chain. This should be interesting.... The naps that should've been never came to fruition. We are 9-days deep in wonky schedules, caffeine, and over-stimuli. Fortunately,  "Auntie" Lillian ,who is the mother of six, took my brood in stride and diverted their attention to elk statues and silverware sculpture. We got to snuggle baby Henry and enjoy a delicious German meal with family. And, we've now been to New Jersey! Check!

Headed to Hoboken


The Atlanta/Hoboken/Marietta Family

Exactly what they need, more sugar

These cousins are disturbing my sense of order!

Win took me to a decent wine market thus earning him the title of Sarah's favorite cousin.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

June 27, 2014 (Connecticut, New York)

Well, Mr Bullington and I have a little surprise up our sleeves. Unbeknownst to the kids, we are ending this party train in New York City.  Our plan was to get on the early train to Grand Central Station. Isn't making plans just hilarious? Mr. B. headed out for one final spin in the sweet Maxima en route to return  it and wouldn't you just know it, his return taxi was in a wreck!  Fortunately, no one was hurt! It just knocked us off schedule a bit.

A good game of "COW" helps pass the time in the train station

2/3 of Bullington offspring thinks New York sounds like a great idea!

We hopped the late morning train and headed into the big apple.

Full-Head-Throw-Back Grand Central Station Amazement

Daddy Sherpa with one large suitcase, one pillow pet, one feather, one backpack
Daddy Sherpa walking 13 blocks from Grand Central Station with one backpack, one pillow pet, one feather,  one medium sized suitcase, one large suitcase.

Not a bad view.  Hello, Empire State Building!
Mile 2395
While my goal has always been that this trip be educational, the kids weren't the only ones who got an education today! I was schooled in the fact that I have somewhat successfully shielded them from life. Walking down the streets of Marietta,  I rarely have to explain why that guitar-playing cowboy is only wearing boots and undies. "You mean I can earn a living wearing underwear and boots? That's my best outfit. I'd do that for free!", exclaimed Master Thomas. Or, why body paint can double as clothes in some circles, or why you should avoid costumed characters at all costs unless you are at Disney world.  And why, oh why did we bring the kids here AFTER they learned to read? The running commentary from our early readers is quite entertaining when they read every written word they see.  And even if you can't read, Thomas proclaimed at top volume that the Victoria's Secret billboard was "INAPPROPRIATE!"

We quickly ushered them out of the mayhem and into Toys r us which introduced a new level of mayhem. Legos, Hot Wheels, Barbies, Candy, Squirrel! 

Ferris Wheel in a Toy Store because you can.

Lego Hulk demands that you don't act like a fool!

Finally, we ended our evening as we caught a modern dance performance in Bryant Park (Mr. Bullington do love him some modern dance). At dinner, Charlotte dumped a full glass of lemonade in her lap and performed her own version of modern dance. I think I will call it, I hate my life and everyone in New York thinks I wet my pants.

Dance in Bryant Park

We topped off the night at the Duane Reade (NYC Walgreens). Here is the crucial difference, at MRTA Walgreens, you can purchase a reasonably priced bottle of mediocre wine with your milk and cereal. At Duane Reade, you can purchase one bottle of "wine product" that tastes like liquid awful but is labeled Cabernet.  After dragging three kids through the streets of New York, mama needed a glass of wine! You would think that I wouldn't be picky. I wasn't until now. It was that awful.

Empire State Building in Rainbow Lights! Beautiful!

Friday, June 27, 2014

June 26, 2014. The road to Yale is paved with good intent. (Vermont, Connecticut)

June 26th

Mile 2018
After waking to our view of the breathtaking Lake Champlain, we rallied the troops and headed out to breakfast at the New Moon Cafe'.   
View of Lake Champlain from our room

It was probably the best meal i've had yet that didn't involve lobster in some capacity. Burlington, Vermont, is worth a trip if you are in the area. (Thanks, Kelly Bachman, for the strong insistence that we go!)

If there's a boulder, Yo,  I'll climb it

I think Marietta needs to look into an awesome mural!

Phantastic, Phamily, Phun!
You are no match for my informational video!
Mile 2137
Then it was back into the car headed for Saratoga Springs, NY for more forced learning about the Battle of Saratoga!  I replaced the kid technology with a movie of my choosing about the battle of Saratoga. They were strapped down so they couldn’t escape the education. Brings new meaning to “captive audience”.  As an added bonus, they were asleep in 10 minutes. Boo-yah! We got our national park books stamped, watched a little video, and touched a canon.  The park ranger was so knowledgeable and John and I thought it was really interesting. The kids thought it was interesting that we made them wait until 3:00 to eat lunch. We got our junior ranger packets a la carte and the ranger entrusted me with the badges. I will safeguard these badges until 3 Jr. rangers have completed their word find, multiple-choice questions, and word scramble and not a moment sooner!
That is a bold statement, but Mr. Park Ranger made a believer out of me!

One lone Bullington is about to be sent to the British for safe keeping.

We ambled through the Berkshires and there were little cottages and covered bridges.  I kept waiting to see Martha Stewart but it didn’t happen.
little covered bridge

Fort building in a the back of a Maxima 101
Mile 2312
Finally, we arrived in New Haven, CT. Lordy Y’all, Yale is stunning. It was such a treat to amble through the gorgeous architecture. I was taken aback that my children were SOOOO TIRED after sitting upon their fannies in the car all day, but Que Sera. I soaked it in and blocked out the whining.  

Why yes, mother. We'd love to pose for another random-ass picture.

Mile 2315
Our last stop of the day was at THE HOME OF THE FIRST HAMBURGER!!! Louis’ Lunch has been serving hamburger sandwiches since that faithful day in 1895 when somebody was in a rush and the establishment’s founder hurriedly sandwiched a broiled beef patty between two slices of bread and sent the customer on his way, so the story goes, with the America’s first hamburger. Our burgers were cooked by Jeff, the great-grandson of Louis, and they were broiled vertically in the original cast iron grill and served between two slices of toast. The only acceptable garnishes are onion, tomato and cheese. Do not ask for ketchup. It’s not cool.

120 year-old vertical grills

If I ignore him maybe he will go away.